Divination and Definitions
Divination is the act or practice of foreseeing the future or discovering hidden knowledge,
by the use of alternate ways and/or means. Listed below is a rather large listing of the
different ways and means utilized to divine information....either past, present or future.
Divination Definitions
Aeromancy is divination by
atmospheric phenomena. Alectromancy is divination by a rooster pecking
grain. Amniomancy is divination by using the caul. Anthroposcopy is
divination by observing facial features. Arithmancy is divination by numbers
(see also Numerology). Astrology is divination by planets and
stars. Augury is divination from the behaviour of birds. Austromancy is
divination by the winds. Axinomancy is divination by a balanced axe or by a
stone on a red hot axe head.
Belomancy is divination by
arrows. Bibliomancy is divination by random passages in books. See
Stichomancy. Bletonism is divination by currents of water. Botanomancy is
divination by herbs.
Capnomancy is divination by smoke. Cartomancy is
divination by using cards. Catoptromancy is divination by using a mirror.
Ceromancy is divination by molten wax dropped into water. Cheiromancy is
divination by the hands. Clacking is divination by 'clacking' two stones
together. Clairaudience is divination by hearing things inaudible
normally. Clairvoyance is divination by "second sight". Cledonomancy is
divination by chance remarks or events. Coscinomancy is divination by sieve
and shears. Crystallomancy is divination by a crystal.
is divination by using a finger ring. (Or Pendulum) Dowsing is divination by
using a forked stick or wires. AKA water-witching.
Geloscopy is
divination by a person's way of laughing. Genethlialogy is divination by the
stars placement at one's birth. Geomancy is divination by examining dots on
paper, dirt particles or marks on the earth. Gyromancy is divination by
whirling around until dizzy and falling.
Halomancy is divination by
salt. Haruspicy is divination by examining the entrails of
animals. Hepatoscopy is divination by examining the liver of an
animal. Hieromancy is divination by observing sacrificed things. Horoscopy
is divination by means of a horoscope. Hydromancy is divination by
Ichthyomancy is divination by fish.
Lampadomancy is
divination by observing the flame of a candle. Leconomancy is divination by
observing the shape that oil poured on water makes. Lithomancy is divination
by stones. Margaritomancy is divination by pearls. Moleosophy is
divination by moles on the body. Myomancy is divination by observing the
movements of mice.
Necromancy is divination by communication with the
dead. Numerology is divination by numbers and names.
Oenomancy is
divination by the appearance of wine poured in libation. Oneiromancy is
divination by dreams. Onomancy is divination by the letters of a
name. Onychomancy is divination by the fingernails. Ophiomancy is
divination by observing the behaviour of snakes. Ornithomancy is divination
by the flight of birds.
Palmistry is divination by reading the lines and
aspects of the hand. Pegomancy is divination by fountains. Pessomancy is
divination by pebbles. Phrenology is divination by the bumps on the
head. Physiognomy is divination by the face. Psychometry is divination by
handling an object. Pyromancy is divination by looking into a
fire. Rhabdomancy is divination by a wand or divining rod. Runes is
divination by the casting of rune stones
Scapulomancy is divination by
the shoulder blades of animals. Scatoscopy is divination by the examination
of excrement. Sciomancy is divination by shadows or ghosts. Scrying is
divination by looking into a crystal ball. Sideromancy is divination by
observing the movement of straws placed on a red hot iron. Sortilege is
divination by drawing lots. Spodomancy is divination by looking at
ashes. Stichomancy is divination by random passages in books, see
Tephromancy is divination by looking at ashes from
sacrifices. Theomancy is divination by oracles.
Uromancy is divination
by urine.
Xylomancy is divination by dry sticks.
Zoomancy is
divination by observing the behaviour of animals.
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